The Net, part 2

23 January 1992

Today we went out to dinner for Payson’s 21st birthday. It was a lot of fun and we ate way too much food. We went to a Mexican/American (would that be Tex-Mex? I guess so) restaurant called The Studio, which Payson’s friend had heard was really good. The food was great and there were all kinds of American references, especially to the West and such cowboy sorts of ideas. But the weirdest one, the one that made me (literally) gasp so that I felt like I had swallowed a solid lump of air, was a photo by John Baeder of the Red Robin diner in Johnson City, which I saw at least once a week for my entire last year, and many times before that. It was quite weird.

Payson and Jasmine

Then, later, we saw this guy from Binghamton who we didn’t know except that we had run into him on New Year’s Eve after Jasmine had said "I wonder if we’ll see anyone from Binghamton tonight." It was very soon after, actually. Anyway, he was in this restaurant and then I found out that Jasmine had said "maybe we’ll see those people from Binghamton" before he showed up! I think she should stop saying that.

Other weird synchronicities – Today is the 23rd. And I bought that book (Illuminatus!) at Fat Cat, across the street from the Red Robin Diner! (You have to read Illuminatus! By Robert Anton Wilson, to understand the significance of this).